Making a "timeline" is one of the things you simply have to do when doing the D2 paper. There are many different ways of making such a timeline and you should choose the one you like best. In the download area I published a very (very very very) basic timeline template, designed to be printed on A3 paper. I wrote the "client events" on the right-hand-side and all the rest on the left-hand-side. Most recent events on the top of the page.
Also in the downloads area a very (very very very) basic "ready to use" subject matter matrix template. To be honest I only used this for practising. I found it more convenient to have all the information on 1 sheet. So when doing my last two "trial" papers and my actual D2 EQE 2009 exam I only used the timeline template. It does make the sheet a bit "messy" yet it worked for me as you have read before ....
Anyway, two extremely basic tools, yet I hope it is of use.
Download here.

Also in the downloads area a very (very very very) basic "ready to use" subject matter matrix template. To be honest I only used this for practising. I found it more convenient to have all the information on 1 sheet. So when doing my last two "trial" papers and my actual D2 EQE 2009 exam I only used the timeline template. It does make the sheet a bit "messy" yet it worked for me as you have read before ....
Anyway, two extremely basic tools, yet I hope it is of use.
Download here.

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