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Undisclosed disclaimers, an overview of how G1/03 and G2/03 are applied

In the recent EPI Information (4/09) Andrew Rudge wrote a very interesting article titled

"The art of gracefully renouncing what's not yours - how the Boards of Appeal have applied G1/03 and G2/03 in practice".

The article gives a nice overview of  the case law with respect to undisclosed disclaimers after G1/03 and G2/03. I've said it before, but I'll repeat it yet again, the C committee may be inspired by the very strict manner in which the Enlarged Board decisions are applied and someday may introduce a claim containing an undisclosed disclaimer into the C paper. Maybe it's worth taking this article to the exam, you never know....

Read the article here


Modified Timing Sheets for D1

Under the "3rd party tools" in the download section you can now download a modified timing tool for D1 which was submitted earlier today by one of the readers of this Blog. The difference with my own version is that the timing has been set to 4 minutes per mark which is stricter than in the exam itself (where it is four and a half minute). In an additional column you can see how much "extra" time you will have. Using the words of the person that submitted this tool  "this additional time is the time that you can still comfortably consume without having problems to finish D1." 

Although time management is important for D1, the timing tools are not to be used as a strict guidance. Don't forget that some questions just take longer to answer than others...

Click here to go to the downloads ...


EQE Problem solution approach

In the B and C exam you are tested for your abilities to apply the problem-solution approach in the correct manner. Basically the Guidelines explain how this approach works, yet it is quite compact and may even confuse you. In an effort to make it more understandable I've compiled an article which divides the problem solution approach into smaller steps. This article is the result of my own notes, the way I was taught how to do it, the Guidelines and some case law references. You will notice that the Guidelines, especially part C-IV 11.7 is basically split up and repeated.

Give it a try and provide me with some feedback on how to further improve this article.

Download here.


PCT Newsletter - January 2010 (No. 01/2010)

The latest issue of the PCT Newsletter (No. 01/2010) is now available on the PCT Resources page in:

PDF at: http://www.wipo.int/edocs/pctndocs/en/2010/pct_news_2010_01.pdf
HTML at: http://www.wipo.int/pct/en/newslett/

For the EQE there is an interesting item with respect to the material you should (?) take to the exam. The PDF's are about 1700 pages in total, so think carefully before you hit the "print" button. The key question you will have is whether or not to take these documents to the EQE.

I don't think anyone can give you a clear answer on that. However, you could ask yourself how much marks you will loose if you don't know the specific detail that the specific D question asks for. In addition, if you don't know your way around this huge document it is pointless printing it out and carrying it to the EQE.

So, not much of a help from my side so far.

For what it's worth, I did not bring it along last year. I merely copied the relevant information for the countries that I thought could be part of a question (EP, US, JP, CN) only to find out that I did not even need that....

I personally find it absurd that candidates should print so many pages and wonder why the Examination Committee does not limit the scope to only a small selection of countries/regions. It's all about knowing the principle rather than being able to find out pecularities of how the PCT is implemented in Zimbabwe for example isn't it .....

I'll update the PCT Summary 2010 shortly and post a link in the downloads section

Update : Pete Pollard has made a summary of PCT material to take to the EQE, click here.


Editable version of the Implementing Regulations

An editable version (in English) of the Implementing Regulations is available for download.

Click here for a direct download.

Or click here to find it in the download section.

If you have no idea why this document is available you probably don't need it :-)
That said, still a lot of people want to make their own annotated version of the EPC. This download will hopefully be of use to them.

As always, I tried to make the document as clean and accurate as possible. If nevertheless you find some errors please let me know either by e-mail or by posting a comment.

Note that this specific version concerns the Rules as in force on 31/12/2009. The major amendments that will enter into force on April 1st 2010 are NOT included. I will make a seperate version in the course of this year.


Happy New Year !!

To all of you reading this Blog every now and then, let me start this first post of the year by wishing you all the best for 2010! For those doing the EQE 2010, good luck in these last +/- 2 months.

Looking back at 2009 I can only conclude that it has been a remarkable, interesting an succesful year.

Succesful in the sense that I (contrary to my expectations) passed the EQE.

Interesting in the sense that I've found a way to stay up-to-date with what's going on at the EPO that is useful not only for me yet may also be of interest to others.

Remarkable in the sense that I did not expect that the Blog would receive so many pageloads as illustrated below. From the very beginning in April 2009 until October 2009 the number of monthly pageloads has increased significantly to a total number of about 27.000. The small drop in November and December is clearly related to the number of posts, which decreased over the last two months. Overall, I'm very happy with this result.

In addition, the Blog now has

34 E-mail subscriptions
69 RSS subscribers

2010 will hopefully be even more interesting; at least the following can be expected:

- Significant layout changes
- A/B Tools will be updated
- Up-to-date editable version of the EPC Articles and Rules available
- OJEPO and PCT summaries will be moved to the Google Docs platform
- More articles, more case law discussions
- ....

Cheers !!
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