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Procedural Law under the EPC-2000, 2nd Edition, 2011


Andreas Veronese and Peter Watchhorn have updated their book "Procedural Law under the EPC-2000, 2nd Edition, 2011". The book can be purchased from their website, http://www.epc-compass.com.

Andreas and Peter write the following:

"We have updated the book to the legal changes which have entered into force over the last three years since the publication of the first edition in 2008. In particular, the "Raising the Bar" rule changes have been explained in this second edition (search limitations, time limits for filing divisional applications, provision of search results on claimed priorities, indication of amendments and their basis and mandatory response to the European search opinion or the Written Opinion prepared by the EPO in the PCT). We also dealt with the reform of the fee system (the unitary designation fee, shortened pre-payment of the renewal fees, page fees due on filing etc) which came into force in 2009 and the transitional provisions for all of these changes are also dealt with in this second edition, where relevant.

This second edition of "Procedural Law" is suitable for the study for, and for use in the EQE of 2012 (as is the second edition of our book "PCT Procedures and Passage into the European Phase" published last year)."

For those who are familiar with this book (or the book on the PCT they also wrote) please post your opinion/ review as a comment.

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  1. Are you updating the book with the new "guidelines for Examination in the European patent office" which have just been updated?

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