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Coffee break questions from the EPO

Surfing the EPO website I found a link that allows automatic e-mails be sent containing what the EPO calls "Coffee Break Questions". So far I have received two of such questions, see below for an example.

The EPO PschorrHöfe building in the Bayerstrasse (not the main building, but the one across the street) has a very nice "sky bar" for EPO employees (or lost attorneys :-)) to enjoy a good coffee after an excellent lunch. This is not the place for people wanting a quick shot of caffeine but rather a place to stay around for some time, to enjoy the view over Munich and of course the coffee.

Why am I writing this down ...

Well, first of all because the questions I have received so far are so easy that the coffee break will be very short if you focus solely on the answer of the question. However, this source of questions may nevertheless help you in your preparations by thinking bit further on the specific subject. Doing so may want you to decide to take another cappuccino. 

Question one was the following:

An invention can be patented only if it is new. What is the relevant date for determining the state of the art?

- The filing date
- The priority date
- The priority date if there is one, otherwise the filing date

The answer is not difficult, it probably takes a few seconds. However, you may want to consider the following:
- What are the other requirements for patentability? What is the legal basis ?
- What if the claimed invention is not the same invention as in the priority document?
- Following the previous question, what legal basis (Articles, Rules, Case Law) deals with the right to priority, and more specifically what is meant with "the same invention".
- What is the difference between prior art under Article 54(2) an 54(3) ? How is this related to the priority issue.
- What are the requirements for getting a filing date? Legal basis?
- etc. etc.

You can subscribe at the EQE-Online website.

Enjoy your coffee !!!


Looking for fellow EQE candidates ?

If you're looking for fellow EQE candidates and discuss about the exams, the EQE-online forum may be your choice. 
An alternative for you to consider may be the EQETools LinkedIN group that is in existing for some time now, offering you not only the chance to post your concerns, questions and thoughts but also to expand your professional network. Being a European Patent Attorney allows you to do your job in all countries of the Convention (if you would like that of course ...). So, knowing some people here and there may be beneficial for your future career. Needless to say there's a lot more advantages that the LinkedIN network has to offer.

The group is open to both EQE candidates as qualified attorneys.

You can join the group by going to the LinkedIn website and browse for the group EQETools. There you can request to join (you need to sign in first).



More free EQE resources

Some time ago the website www.cyberepc.com was launched. The idea behind this website is to provide an online source of information related to the EPC. Articles, Rules Guidelines and further information is all (hyper)linked so it is easy to navigate and find the provisions that you need. All that said the website was not primarily developed for EQE candidates.

CyberEPC has today expanded it's scope also to those looking for information and tools related to the EQE. You can find the "EQE Workspace" here.

A nice thing about the CyberEPC is that it is available in all three official languages of the EPC. For those wondering what these languages are, click here :-)

Have a nice weekend!
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